It’s Okay. You Don’t Have to Repress Your Emotions. 沒關係,情緒不壓抑也是可以的


Written by Teresa Wang, MHCLP
Oct, 2024

The Issue of Emotional Repression

Growing up in a culture that values harmony more than individual needs, I was not surprised to find myself very good at emotional repression (a.k.a bottled-up). Sometimes, I find myself having a hard time in my day-to-day life, only to realize after years of training in the mental health field that it has A LOT to do with how I cope with emotions.

Repressing emotions can have a variety of negative impacts, as emotions that are not processed properly can affect your overall well-being and create problems in relationships. It might look like not knowing how to express or articulate your feelings or needs — like being angry but not knowing how to explain your thought process to others, which results in increased stress, anxiety, or depression. It could also mean feeling uncomfortable or avoiding communication with your partner, friends, coworkers, or family, and instead quietly finishing the work without addressing what’s bothering you. This may cause you to hold grudges towards others, ultimately harming the relationship. Or it might be that when people ask how you’re feeling, you become defensive about the question. Additionally, you may find it difficult to be intimate with others because you can’t connect with them on a deeper level, which can create a sense of loneliness

Repressing emotions is a coping mechanism, likely learned since childhood, either consciously or unconsciously, to avoid feeling pain or discomfort. You may have often been judged or criticized as a kid when expressing feelings like sadness, anger, frustration, disappointment, worry, or fear.

Imagine you were crying because you were hurt, and an adult said

“Stop complaining.”
“What happened to me was 10 times worse.”
“You have to be grateful.”
“Just keep being positive.”
“Stop crying. It’s not a big deal.”

This experience might have taught you that your emotions were not valid! You probably learned to feel ashamed about feeling negatively. You learned to view your feelings as not valuable or deserving of being heard or validated. Therefore, you’ve learned to repressing emotions to avoid dealing with the same painful feelings again.

New Ways to Process and Cope with Difficult Emotions

Once we realize how repressing our emotions affects us, it’s important to find new ways to face our feelings and express them in a healthy way. It can feel vulnerable, but taking this step is really important for our emotional well-being.

Well, negative emotions are not necessarily bad things! You may have learned they are, and you may feel that way, but stay with me. You are a human. Having emotions is part of what makes us human. Feeling angry means you actively want to fix something that’s wrong in your environment. Feeling frustrated means you’ve done the best you can. Feeling sad means you care and value something beyond yourself. Having emotions is one of the most inherently human experiences. It’s a gift that allows us to explore the depth of meaningful connections with ourselves, others, and the world.

I understand the difficulty of trusting that this world is safe for your feelings again since you’ve been hurt and disappointed so many times. You experience all of this not because you’ve done something wrong, but because the people who hurt you were on their own journey of healing.

Even though facing emotions can feel uncomfortable, it’s worth it. It can help you have better relationships, feel less stressed, and connect more deeply with yourself and others. When we allow ourselves to feel and express our emotions, we open the door to a sense of freedom that comes from being truly understood.

What would it look like if we showed kindness and empathy to ourselves? What would it look like to allow yourself to stay in the emotions for just a little while, despite how uncomfortable it is? How would it feel to try saying how you feel without labeling it as good or bad?

“I feel angry because my boss treat me like I am not important”. “ I feel embarrassed and sad when my friend didn’t invite me to their dinner party”.

You would probably feel, well, heard, right? Then what about buying yourself your favorite flavor of ice cream? What about screaming or writing down everything on your mind, even if it’s rude or mean? All of these actions serve to tell yourself that, “Hey, I’m here. I hear you. It’s okay to feel this way. I am going to stay with you until you start to feel better.”

From there, we slowly open up to others about our feelings. It’s a really uncomfortable and vulnerable step. However, learning to process and cope with uncomfortable emotions by addressing, validating, and eventually communicating them to others is an essential skill for thriving.

Remember, taking care of your emotions is a journey, and every small step counts. Today, try allowing yourself to feel and name just one emotion. I’m here with you, and you deserve to be heard.



壓抑情緒會導致多種負面影響,因為沒有得到適當處理的情緒會影響整體的身心健康,並在關係中引發問題。它可能表現為不知道如何表達或闡述自己的感受或需求 — — 比如你感到憤怒,但不知道如何向他人解釋自己的想法,這會導致壓力增加,甚至引發焦慮或抑鬱。它也可能表現為在和伴侶、朋友、同事或家人交流時感到不舒服,或者乾脆避免溝通,轉而默默完成工作,卻不提及讓你感到不安的事情。又或者,當別人問你感覺如何時,你對這個問題感到防備。此外,你可能發現自己難以與他人建立深層次的聯繫,這使你感到孤獨。












你可能會覺得 — — 被傾聽了,對吧?那麼,為什麼不給自己買一杯最喜歡的口味的冰淇淋呢?大聲喊叫或者把腦海中的一切寫下來,即使這些想法很粗魯或刻薄?所有這些行為都是在告訴自己:“嘿,我在這裡。我聽到了你的感受。感到這樣是可以的。我會陪著你,直到你開始感覺好一些。”



(中文翻譯由 ChatGPT(由 OpenAI 開發的人工智慧語言模型)於 2024/10/6 生成)

