Resource Suggestion: “How to make stress your friend” TED Talk by Kelly McGonigal 推薦觀看:「如何把壓力變成你的好朋友」 — Kelly McGonigal 的 TED Talk


Written by Teresa Wang, MHCLP / Oct 2024

當我感到壓力很大時,我喜歡在 YouTube 上尋找能幫助排解壓力的影片。最近,我看到了健康心理學家 Kelly McGonigal 的 TED Talk “How to make stress your friend”。她在演講中提出了一個顛覆性的觀點:當你認為壓力有益健康時,它真的會如此。我覺得這個觀點非常有幫助,因此想分享給你。


但 Kelly McGonigal 提出一個不一樣的觀點。如果我們將這些身體反應解讀為一種健康的信號(例如,“我們的身體正在為戰鬥做好準備!”),我們在面對壓力時便能有更好的表現。比如說,心跳加快是因為心臟正在將更多血液送往大腦,幫助大腦進行更深入的思考;呼吸加速是因為肺部在提供更多氧氣給心臟;而肌肉緊繃則是為了讓我們迅速進入狀態,隨時做好行動的準備。當我們將壓力視為有益健康的信號,不再將其視為需要解決的問題時,我們會減少很多自我懷疑和內耗,並開始從容而積極地對待生活中的這些起伏瞬間。



Kelly McGonigal 在演講中引用了多項支持這個觀點的研究,讓她的論點非常有說服力。她的演講口條清晰、邏輯順暢,是一個輕鬆易懂的影片。如果你有時也覺得生活壓力難以承受,這個影片值得一看。

(The following content was translated from the origin content using

When I’m feeling stressed out, I like to look for videos on YouTube that can help me relieve my stress. Recently, I came across health psychologist Kelly McGonigal’s TED Talk “How to make stress your friend.” In her speech, she made a game-changing point: When you think stress is healthy, it really is. I found this perspective very helpful and wanted to share it with you.

When we face stress, our body will have reactions such as accelerated heartbeat, rapid breathing, and muscle tension. In the past, we often viewed these reactions as red flags, thinking they were unhealthy and should be eliminated as quickly as possible. However, this approach often makes the stress response last longer and eventually turns into health problems.

But if we interpret these body responses as a healthy signal (e.g., “Our bodies are getting ready for battle!”), we can perform better in the face of stress. For example, the heartbeat speeds up because the heart is sending more blood to the brain to help the brain think more deeply; breathing speeds up because the lungs provide more oxygen to the heart; and the muscles tighten to allow us to enter quickly. state, ready for action at any time. When we see stress as a healthy sign and no longer see it as a problem to be solved, we reduce a lot of self-doubt and internal friction and begin to take these ups and downs in our lives in stride.

After watching this video, I felt a lot more relaxed without even realizing it. While I know there will still be times in the future when stress feels overwhelming, this talk will be at the forefront of my mind during those times to remind me to view stress as a healthy experience.

Of course, this point applies to stressors in general. If you find that your stress is toxic, such as a chronic feeling that the environment is uncontrollable or extremely unstable, or there is obvious exploitation, unfairness or abuse (including emotional abuse), or your basic needs are chronically not being met, then you need Find ways to escape these situations and get professional psychological support.

In her speech, Kelly McGonigal cited multiple studies that support this idea, making her argument very convincing. Her speech was clear and logical, making it an easy-to-understand video. If you sometimes feel that the pressure of life is unbearable, this video is worth watching.

How to make stress your friend | Kelly McGonigal | TED

